MSA Quiz 3

1. What is the primary purpose of life according to Islam?

Correct! Wrong!

The Qur’an makes it clear that mankind was not created except with one purpose: “And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me,” [51:56]. The word ‘ibadah (worship) encompasses love, hope, fear, submission and humility, and is the primary function of human beings. For many, worship is directed towards money, status, whims and desires, people or other entities. The Islamic message is simply to direct worship to God alone (the One who deserves it) to achieve true peace and contentment in this world and the next.

2. Why do Muslim women wear the hijab (headscarf) primarily?

Correct! Wrong!

Although modesty is an objective behind the hijab, the primary reason a Muslim woman practices the hijab is that it is a commandment of God and an act of worship to Him. The word ‘hijab’ means ‘barrier’, and in the Islamic tradition is not limited to the ‘headscarf’, rather it connotes dignified conduct, respect, humility and modesty with the opposite gender and is not restricted to women.

3. How does Islam determine what is right and wrong?

Correct! Wrong!

Human beings are limited in knowledge and subjective by nature. The only way to objectively determine right and wrong is by neutrality and completeness of knowledge.The harm principle was posed by philosopher J.S. Mill whose liberal principles became the roots of Western society and morality. It is important to ponder on why we do or believe things than accepting societal standards instinctively. From the Islamic perspective God possesses ultimate knowledge and therefore knows what is ultimately beneficial and harmful to individuals and society.

4. Which of following is an Islamic principle?

Correct! Wrong!

Islam provides a comprehensive understanding of the human, and forbids harm against one’s spiritual, physical, emotional self or of others without right. The harm principle is not comprehensive in this sense, as following one’s whims (doing as you wish) may harm one’s physical or spiritual self. In Islam, although equality is a foundational principle, justice supersedes equality and two different people may hold different rights and responsibilities based on God’s objective justice (e.g. inheritance of males and females). “Love for your brother what you love for yourself” is a principle in Islam and established narration of the Prophet Muhammad [Bukhari 13]. The meaning of love here is an ‘intention for good and benefit’, and Islamic scholars interpret this to mean ‘to intend good and benefit for all of humanity’ such as the gift of Islam.

5. What is the purpose of prayer in Islam?

Correct! Wrong!

The Qur’an states “establish prayer to remember me” [20:14] in the story of Moses. Muslims pray 5 times a day primarily to keep a constant connection with God, hydrate the soul as water hydrates the body, and as a continuous reminder of their purpose in life. It also serves to discipline their day [4:103] and serve as a protection from evils and immorality [29:45].

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